The Danger Facts!!!

I just realize how big my mistake is when I'm trying to bring back the old you..
I know it cant be forced out drastically when it comes to someone that is so precious to me..
But what I did is for your own good...
Dear, I wish you'll read what I wrote for you...
The old you was something that I really miss...
Don't worry, I will not mention your name here...
And I don't have the will to embarrass you...
I think I can never bring you back my dear if I'm the only one who really put an effort on it..
Its time for me to let you go....
Cause I know you have a new life that I've been missing a lot to know...
I know if I did this the other important person in your life will accuse me as a friendship breaker... but what I'll do is something that will bring a bad impact on me back...
The most oblige fact about us is that we can't be like the old time (eventhough that is what I really wish to have right now).
Cause I can't accept the new you.....

Right now I can't look back...
What's ahead is more important....
I'm sorry I can't be there for you anymore...
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