Hipokrit?? or Hypocrite???

Semua orang ckp benci orang hipokrit and all that stuff... Padahal pada masa yang sama, diri sendiri pun hipokrit jugak.. Pretending jd baik depan orang yang hipokrit padahal, didalam bukan main tak suka.. Bukankan hipokrit jugak??

Sebenarnya semua orang pun hipokrit.
If you're not hypocrite, no one wanna be friend with you!!
Hypocrisy is something subjective... We, ourselves didn't realize that we're being hypocrite...

Someone told me that hypocrite is something good to maintain relationship... Meaning that,
Tanak cari masalah ngan sape2..
So, just pretend je sume bende pun OK... Padahal dalam hati bergelodak macam lava..
Try ambik positive effect daripada hypocrisy... As long as you're not being "TALAM 2 MUKA". Pape pun, biarlah orang nak ckp macam2 tentang kita, asalkan kita tahu siapa kita!!!

So, don't judge people when they're being hypocrite...

Blog aku semakin memboringkan....

Tak tau nak tulis apa.. so aku just nak inform, aku dah ketandusan idea untuk dishare bersama-sama...
Maybe dalam sebulan, satu post je kot nanti..
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