Kucing Sakit (Fungus)

Sekadar gambar hiasan 

Pengalaman saya dan kawan saya masa mula2 terjumpa kucing ada fungus mcm ni:

Mula2 tengok si Garfield (Sukati je bg nama kat kucing tu) kesian sgt. nampak mcm tak bermaya, kurus tp bulu die panjang mbuatkan die nmpak berisi. mula2 slalu tegur2 tepi jalan bg salam pe sume tiap kali nk pg kelas and blik dr kelas.. tp ble tgk die smakin hari smakin tak bmaya, sy start rasa kesian. nak lari dari semut pun tak larat. Siap ada luka yang berair dan blendir. so saya dan kwn tekad untuk menculik kucing tersebut untuk memberikan rawatan yang agak tradisional. ktorang bwk balik rumah, lpas tu tonyoh2 minyak gamat bhgian fungus die.. keras beb.. kesian btol kucing mcm ni.. masa tonyoh2 tu, tkejut tgk mulut, bibir dan lidah die bengkak. ekor pun mcm berlubang. kami tetap tonyoh minyak gamat walaupun kucing tu mengiau tak henti2.

Agak2 dah tonyoh2 kt tempat2 fungus tu, ktorg pun lpaskan die. hari2 lepas tu, ktorg akan buat setiap kali balik kelas. Which is menculik dan merawat, 2 minggu btrut turut.. (siap masuk longkang sbb nk tgkp dia). pada mulanya tak brape nak jln. tp lama2 perasan bengkak kt bibir/gusi dah xde.. mungkin die men jilat2 bhgian bdn die yg disapu minyak gamat kot.

satu hari, minyak gamat hilang. taktau letak mana. so saya amek inisiatif lain. agak merbahaya sbnrnya.. saya guna DETTOL. tapiiiiiiiiiiii..... ha.. dettol tu sy letak 2-4 titik je dlm 10ml air. so mmg sgt2 cair.. cuma ada bau dettol cket je. masa tu 2hari lg nk balik untuk cuti semester. ktorg pun menjalankan misi mencari si garfield ni sbb nk tonyoh ubat. sy bwk kapas, dan cap2 cket kt luka2 and tpt fungus tu.. gler menjerit si garfield ni.. time tgh cap2 tu keruping2 tertanggal and mlekat kat kapas. rupa2nya dah elok.. hari terakhir sy seblom cuti, sy buat lg guna dettol..

2bulan lepas tu, sy blik untuk start semester baru. hari pertama saya carik garfield. sedih. ingatkan die dah mati sbb xjumpe die kt tpt die lepak dgn semut2 tu. esoknya ble pegi kelas, tkejut tengok si garfield ni tengah jilat2 badan die.. muka pun dah xde keruping2 fungus tu. telinga pun dh ok. ekor pun dh berbulu balik. Gembiranya tengok die. tapi seperti biasa, setiap kali melihat kelibat ktorg, si garfield ni lari. mungkin sbb takut kene tonyoh ngn minyak gamat and dettol  lg kot...
apa2 pun, pengalaman masuk longkang, kejar-mngejar, masok semak and mengintai dlm longkang sbb nk menculik tu mmg mencabar kesabaran. sume untuk merawat si garfield tersayang.

Silent Part of my thoughts

I wish I can hold your hand again
I wish I can feel your breathe on my cheek again
I wish I can feel the warmth of your hug again
Just for one more time
How can I ever forget when you're the first one to show me how strong love was.
I really do feel empty when I can no longer see it in your eyes
I miss it when you whisper your love to my ears.
So softly with tenderness in your voice

You broke my heart in a blink of an eye
You put tears on my cheek

Baby, this is the first time I'm asking you not to come back again
I love you and will always do. It's time to close the book and leave the bitter side of my life with you. As long as you're happy then I'll be too.

Still and I Miss You





My Movie Pick




RATING: 4.5/5


I'm Back

Hi peeps, I'm back.

My Dearest Friend

I have been very busy for the past few months.. My concern is only to pass my Bachelor Degree. I have learn a lot for the past 2 semesters and what i felt about it is something that really messed up my head. But not only on my studies. I've been through a lot of unforgettable experiences when I get to know more about peoples' behavior around me. Especially the person that is so damn close to my nose.

Now I realize the type of person that I should be with and the type that I shouldn't be with. Enough with my words. What I really-really hope is our friendship will last forever. Thank you for you patience. Thank you for your cute decent act. And thank you for always be there beside me. I may not have shown to you how grateful I am to have you by my side through good and  bad. No words to describe and no acts to pose how I really wanted to tell you how deep is my appreciation to have you. Despite others bad words toward you, I always trusted that you're not like what they always said.

Thank you Nanab.. I'm sorry for all the harsh acts (which you have to deal with for the upcoming days again and again)

Thank You :)

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