Appreciation to the Greatest bestfriends of mine!!!!

Especially for My 3 Greatest friends on earth....
My friend Fara showed me this video...
Hilarious and Funny...
Now, I dedicate this video to my 3 Greatest bestfriends, Ninie-Munie-Eiyka!!!

To: Ninie
Thank you being there for me anytime i need you...
Mind that You will always be my friend until my last breath..
Jiwang x?
Align Right

To: Eiyka..
Oi, jgn lupak mbak ku raon k keta kancel baru ko ahh..
wpun keta kancel, ku ttap juak sukaraon ngn kau..
kau ya, jgn jadi kacang lupakkan kulit ngn skuter merah ko... hhahaha

To: Munie
hope ko bahagia ngn Ehem
2 ko ahhhh!!!
jangan lupak aku

0 C.O.M.M.E.N.T.S:

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